24 November, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 1 Real Estate Consultants, 25 Real Estate Appraisers and 488 Real Estate Brokers applicants were approved for registration without examination by the Examination Committee for Real Estate Service in Manila this November 2010 .
19 November, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 380 out of 641 passed the Chemical Engineer Licensure Examination given by the Board of Chemical Engineering in Manila and Cebu this November 2010.
18 November, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 1,605 out of 4,013 passed the Midwife Licensure Examination given by the Board of Midwifery in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, Tacloban, Tuguegarao and Zamboanga last November 2010 .
16 November, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Board of Professional Teachers (BPT) announce that 7,737 elementary teachers out of 39,508 examinees (19.58%), 31 Accelerated Teacher Education Program (A.T.E.P.) graduates out of 430 examinees (7.21%) and 9,493 secondary teachers out of 36,714 examinees (25.86%) successfully passed the Licens
15 November, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 191 out of 699 passed the Librarian Licensure Examination given by the Board for Librarians in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao and Legazpi this November 2010.
10 November, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 1,080 out of 2,442 examinees passed the written phase of the Marine Deck Officers Licensure Examination for the various ranks given by the Board for Marine Deck Officers in Manila this November 2010.
08 November, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 48 out of 120 passed the Aeronautical Engineer Licensure Examination given by the Board of Aeronautical Engineering in Manila this November 2010.
08 November, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 10 Real Estate Consultants, 33 Real Estate Appraisers and 531 Real Estate Brokers applicants were approved for registration without examination by the Examination Committee for Real Estate Service in Manila last October 2010 .