The iGovPhil Project officially adopts the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) as the accessibility standard for all its related web development and services. WCAG 2.0 is also an international standard, ISO 40500. This certifies it as a stable and referenceable technical standard.

WCAG 2.0 contains 12 guidelines organized under 4 principles: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust (POUR for short). There are testable success criteria for each guideline. Compliance to these criteria is measured in three levels: A, AA, or AAA. A guide to understanding and implementing Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 is available at:

All iGovPhil Project services and content are currently moving towards WCAG Level A compliance. Work is being done to make the system fully compliant with this level.

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  • Chrome for Linux press (Alt+Shift+shortcut_key)
  • Chrome for Windows press (Alt+shortcut_key)
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Shortcut Keys Combination Activation:
  • Home Page (Combination + H): Redirecting to homepage.
  • Main Content (Combination + R): View the content section of the current page.
  • FAQ (Combination + Q): FAQ page.
  • Contact (Combination + C): Contact page or form inquiries.
  • Feedback (Combination + K): Feedback page.
  • Site Map (Combination + M): Site map (footer agency) section of the page.
  • Search (Combination + S): Search page.
  • Press ESC or CLICK the close the button to close this dialog box.
Speech-Language Pathology


As stipulated in R.A. 11249, otherwise known as the Speech Language Pathology Act, the practice of speech – language pathology shall embrace the performance, in collaboration with other professionals, families and the community, of any of the following:

(a) Screening, identifying, assessing, diagnosing, managing and preventing disorders of communication such as articulation, fluency, voice, hearing and language;
(b) Screening, identifying, assessing, diagnosing, managing and preventing disorders of oral-pharyngeal functions such as dysphagia and related disorders;
(c) Screening, identifying, assessing, diagnosing, and managing cognitive communication systems and provide training in their use;
(d) Assessing, selecting, and developing augmentative and alternative communication systems and providing training in their use;
(e) Screening hearing acuity for the purpose of speech language evaluation and aural rehabilitation;
(f) Planning, teaching, and carrying out home programs and training for patients and their families;
(g) Planning, conducting, and evaluating teaching-learning activities for students of speech language pathology and other related courses, and for other practitioners, patients, their families and the general public;
(h) Planning, conducting, and evaluating researches in pursuit of new knowledge for the growth of speech language pathology in the Philippines;
(i) Providing consultancy to government and nongovernment organizations regarding the field of speech language pathology; and
(j) Teaching, lecturing, and reviewing subjects given in the licensure examination

No person shall practice or offer to practice speech language pathology in the Philippines or pass off oneself as a speech language pathologist, or use the title, word, letter, figure, or a sign tending to convey the impression that one is a speech language pathologist, or advertise or indicate in any manner whatsoever that one is qualified to perform the work of a speech language pathologist unless one has satisfactorily passed the licensure examination given by the Board, except as otherwise provided in this Act, and is a holder of a valid certificate of registration and professional identification card or a valid special temporary permit duly-issued by the Board and the Commission.



Members of the Board


Click HERE to view the list of Accredited Integrated Professional Organizations (AIPOs) /Accredited Professional Organizations (APOs)