Republic of the Philippines
Bold and Golden Days Resiliently Remain Strong and Sturdy
Posted on 29 June, 2023

MANILA, PHILIPPINES -  To give recognition, honor, and respect to former and present Commission officers and employees, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) programmed a Grand Reunion and Program for them last June 20, 2023. Held at the 5th Floor – Bulwagang Nubla of the PRC Main Building, the Commission recognized the remarkable importance of former and present Commission officers and employees.  For it had been known that each one of them has been part of and contributed to the founding pillars of the Commission. The event was in conjunction with PRC’s 50th Founding Anniversary and 2023 Professional Regulation Week.

Keeping in touch with the event’s theme: PRC at 50: Celebrating Milestones of Professional Excellence and Global Recognition. Bold at Gold, the successes, achievements, and triumphs of the Commission had been always attributed to its former and current employees. Thus, current and future employees may see them and their work as blueprints for the successes and milestones as each pursues and continues the Commission’s legacy of excellent public service. Since this was on a hybrid set-up, regional offices, and/or simultaneous events with ROs, participants were welcome to be part of the event.    

As the program progresses and became more nostalgic, a selected three (3) representatives from a specific decade or generation from the sixteen (16) former PRC employees were able to present their notable memories, experiences, and learnings, reminiscing their golden days with the Commission.  Further, hugs, stories, and life events enveloped the entire table as soon as each recognizes familiar missed smiles and faces. On the other hand, the Commission valued and promoted recognition for present employees with Perfect Attendance, Recognition of Academic Achievement, and Loyalty Awards. With such, there were nine (9) Perfect Attendance Awardees, nineteen (19) Academic Achievement Awardees, and twenty-one (21) employees who have been in the Commission for a number of years: 10, 15, 20, and 30 were recipients of the Loyalty Award.    

With all the activities happening at the venue and not noticing the time, everyone had been invited for an early dinner and fellowship.  While everyone was enjoying the sumptuous feast, a number of games and intermission number delighted each of the participating attendees and guests. As the program set to end and to bid see you soon to each and every one, all were reminded of Mahatma Gandhi’s line: “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.”  Thus, once a PRC employee will always be a PRC employee wherever one goes. 


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