Republic of the Philippines
Oath Taking of New Professional Teachers
Posted on 17 July, 2019

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) held the Oath taking Ceremony for New Professional Teachers at the Cuneta Astrodome, Pasay City last 7 July 2019. The morning session was attended by the Elementary level passers while the afternoon session was attended by Secondary level passers.

The Professional Regulatory Board for Professional Teachers through its Chairperson, Hon. Rosita L. Navarro and members, Hon. Paz I. Lucido and Hon. Paraluman R. Giron led the said oathtaking ceremonies.

Commissioner Yolanda D. Reyes likewise graced the event as Guest Speaker. Commissioner Reyes, in her message, encouraged the teachers to be the living examples of the values of love of God, respect for humanity and love for the profession so that they can rise to their highest potentials as teachers thus, gaining the moral ascendency to teach and educate.

This ceremony therefore, signifies that these new Professional Teachers can now enter and contribute to the practice of profession.