PRC Carries Out Deduping and Matching Application System

Manila, July 17, 2017 - A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), represented by its Chairman Teofilo S. Pilando Jr. together with Commissioners Angeline T. Chua Chiaco and Yolanda D. Reyes and the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT), represented by Secretary Rodulfo A. Salalima was signed last June 23, 2017 at The Diamond Hotel Manila.
PRC recognizes the need to continually improve the quality and accuracy of its database of registered professionals. In this regard the Commission sought the assistance of DICT on its Deduping and Matching Application System which consists the Phase 1 of the Personal Information Registry (PIR) of the Authoritative Registries and the Philippine Government Common Platform Project (AR & GCP).